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Our projects

We are committed to the protection of inconspicuous, often forgotten but nevertheless highly endangered animal species. Our main focus is on research as a basis for the protection of endangered species. Because, as you will find out, exciting discoveries can not only be made in distant countries. Be excited!

The Voeltzkow chameleon

The Voeltzkow chameleon was lost for more than 100 years, and in 2018 it was rediscovered on a research expedition with the help of our team.

Expedition to Madagascar

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The Italian water frog

There are 21 amphibian species in Germany. We want to prove a 22nd species, because the Italian water frog could live secretly in Germany in the Lake Constance region.

conservation breeding
Of the Madagascar Gecko

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The Voeltzkow chameleon

The Voeltzkow chameleon was lost for more than 100 years, and in 2018 it was rediscovered on a research expedition with the help of our team.

The Italian Barred Snake

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The Seychelles tiger chameleon

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The Coastal Shrub Cricket

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The Voeltzkow chameleon

The Voeltzkow chameleon was lost for more than 100 years, and in 2018 it was rediscovered on a research expedition with the help of our team.

The Italian Scorpio

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